*Clip-on Earring Base


*Clip-on Earring Base

Need earrings for someone without pierced ears?  No Problem!!  Convert your order to clip-ons by adding  one pair of clip-on bases for each pair of earrings you want converted in your cart.  Be sure to match up the metal color with the earrings you want, and if your cart order is “mixed” with clip-on AND pierced earrings, include a note at checkout indicating which earrings should be made into clip-ons.

If the clip-ons you need are out of stock, or there are not as many available as you need, please contact me here:
Contact Me



Gold plated earring clip-ons, or silver-colored clip-ons (these are NOT sterling silver and may contain nickel), to convert your order for anyone without pierced ears.


Gold, Silver


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