Electrolyte Mix – Unflavored


Electrolyte Mix – Unflavored

You don’t need to pay ridiculous prices for supporting your health.  This basic Electrolyte Mix can be added to most any drink or broth of your choosing, and comes in two size options for ordering and as the option for a PET bail jar with scoop or a refill bag. .  Best of all, it’s convenient without breaking the bank!  Comparable to LMNT electrolyte drink mix, only without the shock to the wallet!



The most common use of electrolytes are

  • first thing in the morning
  • about 30 minutes prior to exercise or high-intensity activity
  • and when mental clarity is required.

When it comes to most beneficial practices,  supplying electrolytes ahead of time is much more effective than trying to restore them after they have become depleted.

Historically, humans have ingested 3-6g of sodium per day until unfounded government recommendations started influencing those levels into decline.  Scientific research is backing up the historical levels, showing the optimal daily intake of sodium is 4-6g/day.  What is further being shown is that dehydration isn’t as simple as drinking more water.  Cells need to take that water in via the sodium pumps they are equipped with, and with insufficient sodium levels, cells remain dehydrated.  

Each serving (2/3 tsp) provides:

  • about 1,ooo mg sodium (conducts nerve impulses, contracts and relaxes muscles, and maintain the proper balance of water and minerals.*
  • about 200 mg potassium (carries a small electrical charge that activates various cell and nerve functions, maintain normal levels of fluid inside our cells, helps muscles to contract, and supports normal blood pressure.*
  • about 60 mg magnesium (required for more than 300 enzymes to facilitate numerous chemical reactions in the body, including building proteins and strong bones,  regulating blood sugar, regulating blood pressure, and functions of muscles and nerves, including  regulating the steady beat of the heart.*
  • about 2.080 mg chloride (regulates fluids and nutrients going in and out of the cells, maintains proper pH levels, stimulates stomach acid required for digestion, stimulates nerve and muscle cells, facilitates the flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide within cells.*
    *(Source: https://nutritionsource.hsph.harvard.edu)

Want to know more about the historical and health benefits of higher intakes of real salt?

In Salt a Friend or Foe? from Wise Traditions Podcast: Sally Fallon-Morell addresses the dietary benefits of salt and why adding more is helpful for digestion of proteins.

Why You Need [More] Salt an interview with Dr. David Brownstein: Dr. Brownstein discusses the important processes of the body that rely on chloride and sodium to not only bind to harmful substances to help the body eliminate them through detoxification pathways, but also required to promote good health and functioning in the many cellular processes of the body.

Ingredients:  Unrefined Sea Salt, Magnesium Chloride, Potassium Chloride



Add 2/3 tsp to 16-32 oz water, juice, broth, coffee, tea, or smoothie and enjoy.  Use 16 oz for “very salty” and 32 oz (or more) for less salty.  Find your ideal level and stick with it.  I’m personally a more salt “needy” gal and like the very salty level most of the time.  My husband is definitely a less salty guy and needs a much higher degree of dilution!


A few fruit flavored drink suggestions

1/2 c pineapple juice
3 – 3 1/2  cups water

1 c orange juice or any orange juice “Blend”
3 cups water

2 Tbsp lime juice
4 cups water
Stevia to preference

2-4 Tbsp lemon juice
4 cups water
Stevia to preference

2-4 Tbsp cranberry juice
4 cups water

Watermelon Quencher:
4 cups watermelon juice
1  Tbsp lime juice


30 Day Supply w/jar and dosage spoon, 45 Day Supply w/jar and dosage spoon, 30 Day Supply Refill, 45 Day Supply Refill


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