
Flower Essence Formulas



Flower Essence Singles or Combinations.
Includes a 1 oz dosage bottle and information sheet with dosage instructions.

Best when used within approximately 4 weeks when refrigerated, or two weeks at room temperature.

Bottle contains approximately 156 doses and lasts approximately one month.

Available as Local Pick-Up.

Weight N/A
Preserved With:

Alcohol, Cider Vinegar, Vegetable Glycerine

FE Singles or Blends

Aloe Vera, Angel's Trumpet, Angelica, Arnica, Baby Blue Eyes, Banks Grevillea, Basil, Black Cohosh, Black-Eyed Susan, Blackberry, Blazing Star, Bleeding Heart, Borage, Buttercup, CA Pitcher Plant, CA Poppy, CA Valerian, CA Wild Rose, Calendula, Calla Lily, "Can't Even" Burn Out Formula, Canyon Dudleya, Cassiope, Cayenne, Centaury, Cerato, Chamomile, Chaparral, Cherry Plum, Chestnut Bud, Chicory, Chocolate Lily, Chrysanthemum, Clematis, Columbine, Compassionate Care Giver Formula, Corn, Cosmos, Crab Apple, Dandelion, Deerbrush, Desert Lily, Dill, Distress Remedy Formula, Dogwood, Dune Primrose, Echinacea, Elm, Evening Primrose, Explorer's Gentian, Fairy Lantern, Fawn Lily, Filaree, Fireweed, Foothill Monkey Flower, Forget-Me-Not, Fuchsia, Garlic, Gentian, Glassy Hyacinth, Gold Ear Drops, Golden Yarrow, Goldenrod, Green Cross Gentian, Green Nicotiana, Green Rein Orchid, Grevillea, Harvest Brodiaea, Hawthorn, Hibiscus, Holly, Honeysuckle, Hornbeam, Hound's Tongue, Impatiens, Indian Paintbrush, Indian Pink, Iris, Joshua Tree, Lady's Mantle, Lady's Slipper, Larch, Larkspur, Lavender, Lemon, Lilac, Lotus, Love-Lies-Bleeding, Lupine, Madia, Mallow, Manzanita, Mariposa Lily, Milkweed, Morning Glory, Mt. Forget-Me-Not, Mt. Pennyroyal, Mt. Pride, Mugwort, Mullein, Mustard, Nasturtium, Nicotiana, Oak, Olive, Onion, Oregon Grape, Passion Flower, Penstemon, Peppermint, Pine, Pink Monkey Flower, Pink Yarrow, Poison Oak, Pomegranate, Pretty Face, Purple Monkey Flower, Quaking Grass, Queen Anne's Lace, Quince, Rabbitbrush, Red Chestnut, Red Clover, Red Larkspur, Redbud, Redwood, Rock Rose, Rosemary, Sage, Sagebrush, Saguaro, Scarlet Fritillary, Scarlet Monkey Flower, Scotch Broom, Self-Heal, Shasta Daisy, Shasta Lily, Shooting Star, Sierra Iris, Snapdragon, Spreading Phlox, Speak-Up Formula, Star of Bethlehem, Star Thistle, Star Tulip, Sticky Monkey Flower, Sunflower, Sweet Pea, Sweet WIlliams, Tall Mt. Larkspur, Tansy, Ti Plant, Tiger Lily, Trillium, Trumpet Vine, Tulip, Vervain, Vine, Violet, Walnut, Water Lily, Water Violet, White Chestnut, White Clover, White Rein Orchid, White Trumpet Lily, Willow, Yarrow, Yellow Star Tulip, Yerba Santa, Yucca


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